getUserName = function() { Sys.getenv(if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "USERNAME" else "USER") } scp = function(host, path, keypasswd = NA, user = getUserName(), rsa = TRUE, key = sprintf(c("~/.ssh/", "~/.ssh/id_%s"), if(rsa) "rsa" else "dsa"), binary = NA, size = 5000, curl = getCurlHandle(), ...) { if(! && length(grep("@", host)) == 0) host = paste(user, "@", host, sep = "") if(length(grep("^scp", host)) == 0) host = paste("scp://", host, sep = "") if(!missing(path)) host = paste(host, path, sep = "/") key = path.expand(key) opts = list(ssh.public.keyfile = key[1], ssh.private.keyfile = key[2], ...) if(! opts$keypasswd = keypasswd # We don't use getURLContent() as it wants to process the HTTP header # which isn't part of this. We could provide our own version of the header # argument but this is essentially what we are doing by specifying writefunction. # getURLContent(host, .opts = opts) opts$url = host if( || binary) { binary = TRUE opts$writefunction = getNativeSymbolInfo("R_curl_write_binary_data")$address buf <- binaryBuffer(size) opts$file = buf@ref } else { h = basicTextGatherer() opts$writefunction = h$update } curlPerform(.opts = opts, curl = curl) if(binary) as(buf, "raw") else h$value() }