getURLContent = # # Used to be # header = basicTextGatherer() # ans = getBinaryURL(url, headerfunction = header$update, curl = header$curl()) # processContent(ans, header$header(), .encoding) # but now we use the dynamic reader. # function(url, ..., curl = getCurlHandle(.opts = .opts), .encoding = NA, binary = NA, .opts = list(...), header = dynCurlReader(curl, binary = binary, baseURL = url, isHTTP = isHTTP, encoding = .encoding), isHTTP = length(grep('^[[:space:]]*http', url)) > 0) { url = as(url, "character") if(!missing(curl)) curlSetOpt(.opts = .opts, curl = curl) if(is.logical(header)) { returnHeader = header header = dynCurlReader(curl, binary = binary, baseURL = url, isHTTP = isHTTP, encoding = .encoding) } else returnHeader = FALSE if(!('headerfunction' %in% names(.opts))) { # .opts$headerfunction = header$update protect = missing(header) curlSetOpt(curl = curl, .isProtected = protect, headerfunction = header$update) } if(!isHTTP && !('writefunction' %in% names(.opts))) { # If for example this is scp where there is no header # or headerfunction will never get called. So we have to # set the writefunction as well. # .opts$headerfunction = header$update protect = missing(header) curlSetOpt(curl = curl, .isProtected = protect, writefunction = header$update) } curlPerform(url = url, curl = curl, .opts = .opts) if(isHTTP && length(header$header())) { http.header = parseHTTPHeader(header$header()) stop.if.HTTP.error(http.header) } if(returnHeader) list(header = if(is(returnHeader, "AsIs")) header$header() else parseHTTPHeader(header$header()), body = header$value()) else header$value() } stop.if.HTTP.error = function(http.header) { if(length(http.header) == 0) return(NA) # or TRUE if( floor(as.integer(http.header[["status"]])/100) >= 4) { klass = getHTTPErrorClass(http.header[["status"]]) err = simpleError(http.header[["statusMessage"]]) err$httpHeader = http.header class(err) = c(klass, class(err)) #signalCondition(err) stop(err) } TRUE } processContent = # # Figure out how to interpret the contents based on the HTTP response's header # i.e. look at its Content-Type. # function(ans, header, .encoding = NA) { headerText = if(is.character(header)) header else header$value() http.header = parseHTTPHeader(headerText) stop.if.HTTP.error(http.header) content.type = getContentType(http.header) binary = isBinaryContent(http.header, content.type) if(!( || binary)) { ans = rawToChar(ans) if(length(.encoding) == 0 || { charset = grep("charset", content.type, value = TRUE) if(length(charset)) .encoding = strsplit(charset, "=")[[1]][2] } if(length(.encoding) && ! Encoding(ans) = .encoding } else { attr(ans, "Content-Type") = getContentType(http.header) ans } ans } trim = function(x) { gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", x, perl = TRUE) } getContentType = function(header, full = FALSE) { i = match("content-type", tolower(names(header))) if( i ) ) return(character()) tmp = trim(strsplit(header[i[1]], "; *")[[1]]) if(!full) return(tmp) vals = strsplit(tmp, "=") structure(gsub(";$", "", sapply(vals, function(x) x[length(x)])), names = sapply(vals, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[1] else "")) } # See textContentTypes = c("html", "text", "xhtml", "plain", "xml", "x-latex", "css", "latex", "sgml", "postscript", "texinfo", "ecmascript", "javascript", "atom+xml", "json") isBinaryContent = # # type can be given as a list intended to be separate header elements # e.g. Content-Type, Content-Encoding, etc. # Each can be a vector. # function(header, type = getContentType(header)[1], textTypes = getOption("text.content.types")) { if(is.list(type) && length(type) > 1) { last <- TRUE for(i in type) { if(length(i) && !any( && (last <- isBinaryContent(header, i, textTypes))) return(TRUE) } return(last) } if(length(type) == 0) return(NA) if(is.null(textTypes)) textTypes = textContentTypes type.els = strsplit(type, "/")[[1]] if(type.els[1] == "text") return(FALSE) if(any(type.els %in% textContentTypes)) return(FALSE) if(length(grep("\\+xml$", type.els))) return(FALSE) TRUE }