getForm = # # The ... here are for the arguments to the form, not the curl options. # # function(uri, ..., .params = character(), .opts = list(), curl = getCurlHandle(), .encoding = integer(), binary = NA, .checkParams = TRUE) { # should we merge params with .... # for now just one or the other. if(missing(.params)) { .params = list(...) } if(length(.params) == 0) warning("No inputs passed to form") else if(missing(.opts) && .checkParams) testCurlOptionsInFormParameters(.params) # Convert the arguments into a URL string. els = mapply(function(id, val) { # turn name=c("a", "b") into # name=a&name=b paste(curlEscape(id), curlEscape(val), sep="=", collapse="&") }, names(.params), .params) args = paste(els, collapse = "&") uri = paste(uri, args, sep = if(grepl("\\?", uri)) "&" else "?") getURLContent(uri, .opts = .opts, .encoding = .encoding, binary = binary, curl = curl) } testCurlOptionsInFormParameters = function(.params) { if(any( w <- names(.params) %in% listCurlOptions())) { warning("Found possible curl options in form parameters: ", paste(names(.params)[w], collapse = ", ")) TRUE } else FALSE } PostStyles = c('HTTPPOST' = NA, 'POST' = as.integer(47)) matchPostStyle = function(style) { if( return(style) # The style of the post, i.e. HTTPPOST or regular POST, # i.e. www-form-encoded or if(is.character(style)) { i = pmatch(tolower(style), tolower(names(PostStyles))) if( stop("POST style is not recognized: must be one of ", paste(names(PostStyles), collapse = ", ")) as.integer(PostStyles[i]) } else { if(!(style %in% PostStyles)) warning("Unrecognized style value ", style) as.integer(style) } } .postForm = function(curl, .opts, .params, style = 'HTTPPOST') { .Call("R_post_form", curl, .opts, .params, TRUE, matchPostStyle(style), PACKAGE = "RCurl") } postForm = # # The ... here are for the arguments to the form, not the curl options. # # function(uri, ..., .params = list(), .opts = curlOptions(url = uri), curl = getCurlHandle(), style = 'HTTPPOST', .encoding = integer(), binary = NA, .checkParams = TRUE, .contentEncodeFun = curlEscape) # Should probably be curlPercentEncode ! { isProtected = missing(curl) write = NULL noCurlOptions = missing(.opts) style = matchPostStyle(style) # merge the two sources of inputs .params = merge(list(...), .params) # Need to organize the types here into a structure. hasOwnWrite = any(c("writefunction", "headerfunction") %in% names(.opts)) buf = NULL header = basicTextGatherer() if(!hasOwnWrite) { write = dynCurlReader(curl, verbose = FALSE, binary = binary, baseURL = uri, encoding = .encoding) # Defer the setting of the writefunction until we need to set it # When we finish with the header, we'll set the writefunction. # .opts[["writefunction"]] = write$update .opts[["headerfunction"]] = write$update on.exit(cleanupDynReader(NULL, curl)) isProtected = rep(isProtected, length(.opts)) isProtected[length(isProtected)] = TRUE # .opts[["writefunction"]] = write$update } # Force the curlOptions to be resolved at this point, but not set. So pass curl = NULL optionNames = names(.opts) .opts = curlSetOpt(url = uri, .opts = .opts, curl = NULL, .encoding = .encoding) # curlOptions[["httpost"]] <- .params # curlPerform(curl, .opts = curlOptions) if(! && style == PostStyles['POST']) { tmp = as.list(.params) .params = paste( unlist(mapply(function(id, val) paste(id, if(is(val, "AsIs")) val else .contentEncodeFun(val), sep = "="), names(tmp), tmp)), collapse = "&") } else .params = lapply(.params, function(x) if(is.atomic(x)) as.character(x) else x) if(length(.params) == 0) { postfields = getCurlOptionsConstants()["postfields"] if(!(postfields %in% .opts$ids)) warning("No inputs passed to form") } else if(noCurlOptions && .checkParams) testCurlOptionsInFormParameters(.params) # status = .Call("R_post_form", curl, .opts, .params, TRUE, as.integer(style), PACKAGE = "RCurl") status = .postForm(curl, .opts, .params, style) if(any(!isProtected)) { # Reset the httppost field to NULL so we can release the values. # curlSetOpt(httppost = FALSE, curl = curl) curlSetOpt(httpget = TRUE, curl = curl) } if(!is.null(write)) { http.header = parseHTTPHeader(write$header()) stop.if.HTTP.error(http.header) } if(!is.null(buf)) { processContent( as(buf, "raw"), header, .encoding) } else if(!is.null(write)) write$value() #XXX what if write is NULL - what do we return? } cleanupDynReader = function(fun, curl) { curlSetOpt(writefunction = NULL, curl = curl) if(!is.null(fun)) .Call("R_global_releaseObject", fun) TRUE } fileUpload = function(filename = character(), contents = character(), contentType = character()) { if(length(contents) == 0 && !file.exists(filename)) stop("specified file does not exist: ", filename, ". You must specify a valid file name or provide the contents to send.") filename = path.expand(filename) if(!typeof(contents) == "raw") contents = as.character(contents) structure(list(filename = as.character(filename), contents = contents, contentType = as.character(contentType)), class = "FileUploadInfo") }