curlGlobalInit = function(flags = c("ssl", "win32")) # This is the same as all. { status = .Call("R_curl_global_init", setBitIndicators(flags, CurlGlobalBits), PACKAGE = "RCurl") asCurlErrorCode(status) } curlGlobalCleanup = function() { .Call("R_curl_global_cleanup", PACKAGE = "RCurl") } asCurlErrorCode = function(val) { defs =.Call("R_getCURLErrorEnum", PACKAGE = "RCurl") defs[defs == val] } debugGatherer = function() { els = NULL info = NULL update = function(msg, type, curl) { els[[type + 1]] <<- c(els[[type + 1]], msg) info[[length(info) + 1]] <<- msg names(info)[length(info)] <<- names(type) 0 } reset = function() { els <<- list(text=character(), headerIn = character(), headerOut = character(), dataIn = character(), dataOut = character(), sslDataIn = character(), sslDataOut = character()) info <<- list() } ans = list(update = update, value = function(collapse = "", ordered = FALSE, ...) { if(ordered) return(info) if(is.null(collapse)) return(els) sapply(els, function(x) paste(x, collapse = collapse, ...)) }, reset = reset) class(ans) <- c("RCurlDebugHandler", "RCurlCallbackFunction") ans$reset() ans } basicTextGatherer = # # This is a function that is used to create a closure (i.e. a function with its own local variables # whose values persist across invocations). This is called to provide an instance of a function that is # called when the libcurl engine has some text to be processed as it is reading the HTTP response from the # server. # The function that reads the text can do whatever it wants with it. This one simply # cumulates it and makes it available via a second function. # function(txt = character(), max = NA, value = NULL, .mapUnicode = TRUE) { update = function(str) { txt <<- c(txt, str) if(! && nchar(txt) >= max) return(0) nchar(str, "bytes") # use bytes rather than chars as for UTF-8, etc. we may have fewer characters, # but the C code for libcurl works in bytes. If we report chars and < bytes, # libcurl terminates the download. } reset = function() { txt <<- character() } val = if(missing(value)) function(collapse = "", ...) { if(!is.null(collapse)) txt = paste(txt, collapse = collapse) if(.mapUnicode) txt = mapUnicodeEscapes(txt) return(txt) } else function(collapse = "") { if(!is.null(collapse)) txt = paste(txt, collapse = collapse) if(.mapUnicode) txt = mapUnicodeEscapes(txt) value(txt) } ans = list(update = update, value = val, reset = reset) class(ans) <- c("RCurlTextHandler", "RCurlCallbackFunction") ans$reset() ans } basicHeaderGatherer = function(txt = character(), max = NA) basicTextGatherer(txt, max, parseHTTPHeader) getURL = getURI = # # initializes a curl handle, populates its settings # function(url, ..., .opts = list(), write = basicTextGatherer(.mapUnicode = .mapUnicode), curl = getCurlHandle(), async = length(url) > 1, .encoding = integer(), .mapUnicode = TRUE) { # write = getNativeSymbolInfo("R_curl_write_data", PACKAGE = "RCurl")$address url = as.character(url) if(async) { if(missing(write)) write = multiTextGatherer(url) return(getURIAsynchronous(url, ..., .opts = .opts, write = write, curl = curl, .encoding = .encoding)) } if(length(url) > 1) { # typically will go to async. But if async is explicitly set to FALSE # then the caller wants to use a serialized sequence of requests and collect # the results into a single string if write is specified and as a character vector # of strings otherwise. # If write wasn't specified, then dupWriter = FALSE if(missing(write)) dupWriter = TRUE return(sapply(url, function(u) { if(dupWriter) write = basicTextGatherer() getURI(u, ..., .opts = .opts, write = write, curl = curl, async = FALSE, .encoding = .encoding) })) } returnWriter = FALSE if(missing(write) || inherits(write, "RCurlCallbackFunction")) { writeFun = write$update } else { writeFun = write returnWriter = TRUE } # Don't set them, just compute them. opts = curlOptions(URL = url, writefunction = writeFun, ..., .opts = .opts) status = curlPerform(curl = curl, .opts = opts, .encoding = .encoding) if(returnWriter) return(write) write$value() } curlPerform = function(..., .opts = list(), curl = getCurlHandle(), .encoding = integer()) { isProtected = missing(curl) .encoding = getEncodingValue(.encoding) .opts = curlSetOpt(..., .opts = .opts, curl = NULL, .encoding = .encoding) # The 3rd argument - TRUE - is just so that we don't need to create it in the # C code to pass to R_curl_easy_setopt. status = .Call("R_curl_easy_perform", curl, .opts, isProtected, .encoding, PACKAGE = "RCurl") asCurlErrorCode(status) } CE_NATIVE = 0L CE_UTF8 = 1L CE_LATIN1 = 2L CE_SYMBOL = 5L getEncodingValue = function(val) { if(length(val) == 0) return(val) if(is.character(val)) switch(val, "UTF-8" =, "utf-8" = CE_UTF8, "ISO-8859-1" =, "iso-8859-1" = CE_LATIN1, CE_NATIVE) else as.integer(val) } curlSetOpt = # # This is used when setting the values globally. # # No sense in generating a default CURL handle and then throwing # it way. It is only here to allow people to create it in a call # when they set the options. # This could go as most people will call this having already created # the CURL object. function(..., .opts = list(), curl = getCurlHandle(), .encoding = integer(), .forceHeaderNames = FALSE, .isProtected = FALSE) { .opts = curlOptions(..., .opts = .opts) if("httpheader" %in% names(.opts)) { tmp = .opts[["httpheader"]] # paste the name and value together if # a) we have names, and b) not all entries have a : at the start. # We have to be careful here. We got caught with a date having a : # and there being only one element in the header. # Also tripped up if a header entry is http:... or ftp:... since the : gets caught, but only # if there is one. if(length(names(tmp)) && (.forceHeaderNames || (length( grep("^[^[:space:]]+:", gsub("(ftp|http):", "", tmp))) != length(tmp)))) .opts[["httpheader"]] = paste(names(tmp), tmp, sep = ": ") } .encoding = getEncodingValue(.encoding) if(length(.opts) || length(.encoding)) { optIds = mapCurlOptNames(names(.opts)) # Check the types and do coercion if necessary idx = match(names(.opts), names(optionConverters)) if(!all( { i = names(.opts)[!] .opts[i] = lapply(i, function(x) optionConverters[[x]](.opts[[x]])) } if(!is.null(curl)) { .isProtected = rep(.isProtected, length(.opts)) status = .Call("R_curl_easy_setopt", curl, .opts, optIds, .isProtected, as.integer(.encoding), PACKAGE = "RCurl") return(curl) } } else optIds = integer() tmp = list(ids = optIds, values = .opts) class(tmp) <- "ResolvedCURLOptions" tmp } optionConverters = list("netrc" = function(x) asEnum(x, CurlNetrc, "NetrcEnum") ) getCurlHandle = function(..., .opts = NULL, .encoding = integer(), .defaults = getOption("RCurlOptions")) { h = .Call("R_curl_easy_init", PACKAGE = "RCurl") if(length(.defaults)) { i = match(names(.defaults), names(.opts)) .opts[names(.defaults)[]] = .defaults[] } curlSetOpt(..., .opts = .opts, curl = h, .encoding = .encoding) h } dupCurlHandle = function(curl, ..., .opts = NULL, .encoding = integer()) { h = .Call("R_curl_easy_duphandle", curl, PACKAGE = "RCurl") curlSetOpt(..., .opts = .opts, curl = h, .encoding = .encoding) h } setGeneric("reset", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("reset")) setMethod("reset", "CURLHandle", function(x, ...) { .Call("R_curl_easy_reset", x, PACKAGE = "RCurl") }) curlEscape = function(urls) { .Call("R_curl_escape", as.character(urls), TRUE, PACKAGE = "RCurl") } curlUnescape = function(urls) { .Call("R_curl_escape", as.character(urls), FALSE, PACKAGE = "RCurl") } if(FALSE) { tbls = readHTMLTable("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) tt = tbls[[5]] PercentCodes = structure(as.character(tt[2,]), names = as.character(tt[1,])) cat(paste(sQuote(names(PercentCodes)), dQuote(PercentCodes), sep = " = ", collapse = ",\n\t")) } PercentCodes = c( '%' = "%25", # this has to go first. '!' = "%21", '*' = "%2A", '"' = "%22", '\'' = "%27", '(' = "%28", ')' = "%29", ';' = "%3B", ':' = "%3A", '@' = "%40", '&' = "%26", '=' = "%3D", '+' = "%2B", '$' = "%24", ',' = "%2C", '/' = "%2F", '?' = "%3F", '#' = "%23", '[' = "%5B", ']' = "%5D", '{' = "%7B", '}' = "%7D", ' ' = '%20', '\r' = '%0D', '\n' = '%0A') curlPercentEncode = function(x, amp = TRUE, codes = PercentCodes, post.amp = FALSE) { if(!amp) { i = match("&", names(codes)) if(! codes = codes[ - i ] } for(i in seq(along = codes)) { x = gsub(names(codes)[i], codes[i], x, fixed = TRUE) } if(post.amp) x = gsub("%", "%25", x, fixed = TRUE) x } esc = # # An alternative approach. # function(x, codes = PercentCodes) { els = strsplit(x, "")[[1]] i = match(els, names(codes), 0L) els[ i != 0 ] = codes[ i ] paste(els, collapse = "") }