This directory contains the files for building CHM help for Tcl/Tk as included in This version is for Tcl/Tk >= 8.5.0. Building Tcl/Tk =============== Get the Tcl/Tk sources (I used 8.5.0 when testing this). You need VC++6 and a Windows command-line window. Run "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin\VCVARS32.BAT" Need Schemadef.h, Tmschema.h, Uxtheme.h from XP Platform SDK, or OPTS=noxp below. cd tcl8.5.x\win nmake -nologo -f release nmake -f install cd ..\..\tk8.5.x\win nmake -nologo -f [OPTS=noxp] TCLDIR=..\..\tcl8.5.x release nmake -f install Now copy /Program Files/Tcl to say /R/Tcl and (in any reasonable shell) cd /R/Tcl #rm bin/tclpip85.dll bin/tclsh85.exe bin/wish85.exe #rm -rf lib/*.lib rm -rf lib/tk8.5/demos lib/tk8.5/images lib/ cp .../tcl8.5.x/license.terms . Building the CHM help ===================== Copy the contents of the html and tools directory over those in .../tcl8.5.x. (The tools/*.tcl are modified versions of those in that directory, adding a style file to the <HEAD> sections.) cd .../tcl8.5.x/tools ../win/Release/tclsh85 tcltk-man2html.tcl cd ../html hhc tcltk85.hhp mkdir /R/Tcl/doc cp tcltk85.chm /R/Tcl/doc BDR 2004-01-09 2007-07-10 2007-12-26 Additional extensions ===================== BWidget ------- just unpack BWidget-1.8.0.tar.bz2 in /R/Tcl/lib and rename to BWidget. Tktable ------- unpack Tktable2.9.tar.gz cd Tktable mkdir /R/Tcl/lib/Tktable cp win/pkgIndex.tcl /R/Tcl/lib/Tktable # edit /R/Tcl/lib/Tktable/pkgIndex.tcl and add version no cp library/tkTable.tcl /R/Tcl/lib/Tktable cp win/tkTable.tcl.h generic cd generic make cp Tktable.dll /R/Tcl/lib/Tktable where the generic/Makefile is TBL_COMMAND = table TBL_RUNTIME = tkTable.tcl VERSION = 2.9 DEFINES = -DDLL_BUILD -DBUILD_Tktable $(TBL_CFLAGS) \ -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" \ -DTBL_COMMAND=\"$(TBL_COMMAND)\" \ -DTBL_RUNTIME="\"$(TBL_RUNTIME)\"" \ -DTBL_RUNTIME_DIR="\"\"" SOURCES = tkTable.c tkTableCell.c tkTableCellSort.c tkTableCmds.c tkTableEdit.c tkTableTag.c tkTableUtil.c tkTableWin.c all: gcc -shared -o Tktable.dll $(DEFINES) -O2 -I/R/Tcl/include $(SOURCES) -L /R/Tcl/bin -ltcl85 -ltk85 -lgdi32