\name{stagec} \alias{stagec} \docType{data} \title{Stage C Prostate Cancer} \description{A set of 146 patients with stage C prostate cancer, from a study exploring the prognostic value of flow cytometry.} \usage{data(stagec)} \format{ A data frame with 146 observations on the following 8 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{pgtime}}{Time to progression or last follow-up (years)} \item{\code{pgstat}}{1 = progression observed, 0 = censored} \item{\code{age}}{age in years} \item{\code{eet}}{early endocrine therapy, 1 = no, 2 = yes} \item{\code{g2}}{percent of cells in G2 phase, as found by flow cytometry} \item{\code{grade}}{grade of the tumor, Farrow system} \item{\code{gleason}}{grade of the tumor, Gleason system} \item{\code{ploidy}}{the ploidy status of the tumor, from flow cytometry. Values are \samp{diploid}, \samp{tetraploid}, and \samp{aneuploid}} } } \details{ A tumor is called diploid (normal complement of dividing cells) if the fraction of cells in G2 phase was determined to be 13\% or less. Aneuploid cells have a measurable fraction with a chromosome count that is neither 24 nor 48, for these the G2 percent is difficult or impossible to measure. } \examples{ require(survival) rpart(Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ ., stagec) } \keyword{datasets}