\name{rpart-internal} \alias{pred.rpart} \alias{rpart.matrix} \title{ Internal Functions } \description{ Internal functions, only used by packages \pkg{rpart} and \pkg{ipred}. } \usage{ pred.rpart(fit, x) rpart.anova(y, offset, parms, wt) rpart.class(y, offset, parms, wt) rpart.matrix(frame) rpart.poisson(y, offset, parms, wt) rpartco(tree, parms) } \arguments{ \item{fit}{a tree fitted by \code{rpart}.} \item{x}{a matrix of predictors.} \item{y}{the responses.} \item{offset}{an offset, or \code{NULL}.} \item{parms}{a list of parameters, usually empty.} \item{wt}{case weights.} \item{frame}{model frame (from call to \code{rpart})} \item{tree}{a tree fitted by \code{rpart}.} } \value{ For \code{rpartco} the x,y plotting coordinates of the nodes. \code{rpart.anova}, \code{rpart.class} and \code{rpart.poisson} return a list with components \item{y}{(adjusting for \code{offset} if necessary),} \item{parms}{as input,} \item{numresp}{the number of responses,} \item{summary}{a function to be invoked by \code{\link{summary.rpart}},} \item{text}{a function to be invoked by \code{\link{text.rpart}}.} } \keyword{internal}