\name{printcp} \alias{printcp} \title{ Displays CP table for Fitted Rpart Object } \description{ Displays the \code{cp} table for fitted \code{rpart} object. } \usage{ printcp(x, digits = getOption("digits") - 2) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ fitted model object of class \code{"rpart"}. This is assumed to be the result of some function that produces an object with the same named components as that returned by the \code{rpart} function. } \item{digits}{ the number of digits of numbers to print. }} \details{ Prints a table of optimal prunings based on a complexity parameter. } \seealso{ \code{\link{summary.rpart}}, \code{\link{rpart.object}} } \examples{ z.auto <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame) printcp(z.auto) \dontrun{ Regression tree: rpart(formula = Mileage ~ Weight, data = car.test.frame) Variables actually used in tree construction: [1] Weight Root node error: 1354.6/60 = 22.576 CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd 1 0.595349 0 1.00000 1.03436 0.178526 2 0.134528 1 0.40465 0.60508 0.105217 3 0.012828 2 0.27012 0.45153 0.083330 4 0.010000 3 0.25729 0.44826 0.076998 }} \keyword{tree}