\name{post.rpart} \alias{post.rpart} \alias{post} \title{ PostScript Presentation Plot of an Rpart Object } \description{ Generates a PostScript presentation plot of an \code{rpart} object. } \usage{ post(tree, \dots) \method{post}{rpart}(tree, title., filename = paste(deparse(substitute(tree)), ".ps", sep = ""), digits = getOption("digits") - 2, pretty = TRUE, use.n = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{tree}{ fitted model object of class \code{"rpart"}. This is assumed to be the result of some function that produces an object with the same named components as that returned by the \code{rpart} function. } \item{title.}{ a title which appears at the top of the plot. By default, the name of the \code{rpart} endpoint is printed out. } \item{filename}{ ASCII file to contain the output. By default, the name of the file is the name of the object given by \code{rpart} (with the suffix \code{.ps} added). If \code{filename = ""}, the plot appears on the current graphical device. } \item{digits}{ number of significant digits to include in numerical data. } \item{pretty}{ an integer denoting the extent to which factor levels will be abbreviated in the character strings defining the splits; (0) signifies no abbreviation of levels. A \code{NULL} signifies using elements of letters to represent the different factor levels. The default (\code{TRUE}) indicates the maximum possible abbreviation. } \item{use.n}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), adds to label (\#events level1/ \#events level2/etc. for method \code{class}, \code{n} for method \code{anova}, and \#events/n for methods \code{poisson} and \code{exp}). } \item{horizontal}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), plot is horizontal. If \code{FALSE}, plot appears as landscape. } \item{\dots}{ other arguments to the \code{postscript} function. } } \section{Side Effects}{ a plot of \code{rpart} is created using the \code{postscript} driver, or the current device if \code{filename = ""}. } \details{ The plot created uses the functions \code{plot.rpart} and \code{text.rpart} (with the \code{fancy} option). The settings were chosen because they looked good to us, but other options may be better, depending on the \code{rpart} object. Users are encouraged to write their own function containing favorite options. } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot.rpart}}, \code{\link{rpart}}, \code{\link{text.rpart}}, \code{\link{abbreviate}} } \examples{ z.auto <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame) post(z.auto, file = "") # display tree on active device # now construct postscript version on file "pretty.ps" # with no title post(z.auto, file = "pretty.ps", title = " ") z.hp <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight + HP, car.test.frame) post(z.hp) } \keyword{tree}