\name{plot.rpart} \alias{plot.rpart} \title{ Plot an Rpart Object } \description{ Plots an rpart object on the current graphics device. } \usage{ \method{plot}{rpart}(x, uniform = FALSE, branch = 1, compress = FALSE, nspace, margin = 0, minbranch = 0.3, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a fitted object of class \code{"rpart"}, containing a classification, regression, or rate tree. } \item{uniform}{ if \code{TRUE}, uniform vertical spacing of the nodes is used; this may be less cluttered when fitting a large plot onto a page. The default is to use a non-uniform spacing proportional to the error in the fit. } \item{branch}{ controls the shape of the branches from parent to child node. Any number from 0 to 1 is allowed. A value of 1 gives square shouldered branches, a value of 0 give V shaped branches, with other values being intermediate. } \item{compress}{ if \code{FALSE}, the leaf nodes will be at the horizontal plot coordinates of \code{1:nleaves}. If \code{TRUE}, the routine attempts a more compact arrangement of the tree. The compaction algorithm assumes \code{uniform=TRUE}; surprisingly, the result is usually an improvement even when that is not the case. } \item{nspace}{ the amount of extra space between a node with children and a leaf, as compared to the minimal space between leaves. Applies to compressed trees only. The default is the value of \code{branch}. } \item{margin}{ an extra fraction of white space to leave around the borders of the tree. (Long labels sometimes get cut off by the default computation). } \item{minbranch}{ set the minimum length for a branch to \code{minbranch} times the average branch length. This parameter is ignored if \code{uniform=TRUE}. Sometimes a split will give very little improvement, or even (in the classification case) no improvement at all. A tree with branch lengths strictly proportional to improvement leaves no room to squeeze in node labels. } \item{\dots}{ arguments to be passed to or from other methods. }} \value{ The coordinates of the nodes are returned as a list, with components \code{x} and \code{y}. } \section{Side Effects}{ An unlabeled plot is produced on the current graphics device: one being opened if needed. In order to build up a plot in the usual S style, e.g., a separate \code{text} command for adding labels, some extra information about the plot needs be retained. This is kept in an environment in the package. } \details{ This function is a method for the generic function \code{plot}, for objects of class \code{rpart}. The y-coordinate of the top node of the tree will always be 1. } \seealso{ \code{\link{rpart}}, \code{\link{text.rpart}} } \examples{ fit <- rpart(Price ~ Mileage + Type + Country, cu.summary) par(xpd = TRUE) plot(fit, compress = TRUE) text(fit, use.n = TRUE) } \keyword{tree}