\name{meanvar.rpart} \alias{meanvar} \alias{meanvar.rpart} \title{ Mean-Variance Plot for an Rpart Object } \description{ Creates a plot on the current graphics device of the deviance of the node divided by the number of observations at the node. Also returns the node number. } \usage{ meanvar(tree, \dots) \method{meanvar}{rpart}(tree, xlab = "ave(y)", ylab = "ave(deviance)", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{tree}{ fitted model object of class \code{"rpart"}. This is assumed to be the result of some function that produces an object with the same named components as that returned by the \code{rpart} function. } \item{xlab}{ x-axis label for the plot. } \item{ylab}{ y-axis label for the plot. } \item{\dots}{ additional graphical parameters may be supplied as arguments to this function. } } \value{ an invisible list containing the following vectors is returned. \item{x}{ fitted value at terminal nodes (\code{yval}). } \item{y}{ deviance of node divided by number of observations at node. } \item{label}{ node number. } } \section{Side Effects}{ a plot is put on the current graphics device. } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot.rpart}}. } \examples{ z.auto <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame) meanvar(z.auto, log = 'xy') } \keyword{tree}