\name{car90} \alias{car90} \docType{data} \title{Automobile Data from 'Consumer Reports' 1990} \description{ Data on 111 cars, taken from pages 235--255, 281--285 and 287--288 of the April 1990 \emph{Consumer Reports} Magazine. } \usage{data(car90)} \format{ The data frame contains the following columns \describe{ \item{Country}{a factor giving the country in which the car was manufactured} \item{Disp}{engine displacement in cubic inches} \item{Disp2}{engine displacement in liters} \item{Eng.Rev}{engine revolutions per mile, or engine speed at 60 mph} \item{Front.Hd}{distance between the car's head-liner and the head of a 5 ft. 9 in. front seat passenger, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{Frt.Leg.Room}{maximum front leg room, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{Frt.Shld}{front shoulder room, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{Gear.Ratio}{the overall gear ratio, high gear, for manual transmission} \item{Gear2}{the overall gear ratio, high gear, for automatic transmission} \item{HP}{net horsepower} \item{HP.revs}{the red line---the maximum safe engine speed in rpm} \item{Height}{height of car, in inches, as supplied by manufacturer} \item{Length}{overall length, in inches, as supplied by manufacturer} \item{Luggage}{luggage space} \item{Mileage}{a numeric vector of gas mileage in miles/gallon as tested by CU; contains NAs.} \item{Model2}{alternate name, if the car was sold under two labels} \item{Price}{list price with standard equipment, in dollars} \item{Rear.Hd}{distance between the car's head-liner and the head of a 5 ft 9 in. rear seat passenger, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{Rear.Seating}{rear fore-and-aft seating room, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{RearShld}{rear shoulder room, in inches, as measured by CU} \item{Reliability}{an ordered factor with levels \samp{Much worse} < \samp{worse} < \samp{average} < \samp{better} < \samp{Much better}: contains \code{NA}s.} \item{Rim}{factor giving the rim size} \item{Sratio.m}{Number of turns of the steering wheel required for a turn of 30 foot radius, manual steering} \item{Sratio.p}{Number of turns of the steering wheel required for a turn of 30 foot radius, power steering} \item{Steering}{steering type offered: manual, power, or both} \item{Tank}{fuel refill capacity in gallons} \item{Tires}{factor giving tire size} \item{Trans1}{manual transmission, a factor with levels \samp{}, \samp{man.4}, \samp{man.5} and \samp{man.6}} \item{Trans2}{automatic transmission, a factor with levels \samp{}, \samp{auto.3}, \samp{auto.4}, and \samp{auto.CVT}. No car is missing both the manual and automatic transmission variables, but several had both as options} \item{Turning}{the radius of the turning circle in feet} \item{Type}{a factor giving the general type of car. The levels are: \samp{Small}, \samp{Sporty}, \samp{Compact}, \samp{Medium}, \samp{Large}, \samp{Van}} \item{Weight}{an order statistic giving the relative weights of the cars; 1 is the lightest and 111 is the heaviest} \item{Wheel.base}{length of wheelbase, in inches, as supplied by manufacturer} \item{Width}{width of car, in inches, as supplied by manufacturer} }} \source{ This is derived (with permission) from the data set \code{car.all} in S-PLUS, but with some further clean up of variable names and definitions. } \seealso{ \code{\link{car.test.frame}}, \code{\link{cu.summary}} for extracts from other versions of the dataset. } \examples{ data(car90) plot(car90$Price/1000, car90$Weight, xlab = "Price (thousands)", ylab = "Weight (lbs)") mlowess <- function(x, y, ...) { keep <- !(is.na(x) | is.na(y)) lowess(x[keep], y[keep], ...) } with(car90, lines(mlowess(Price/1000, Weight, f = 0.5))) } \keyword{datasets}