summary.rpart <- function(object, cp = 0, digits = getOption("digits"), file, ...) { if (!inherits(object, "rpart")) stop("Not a legitimate \"rpart\" object") ## rename it to "x" to save typing x <- object if (!missing(file)) { sink(file) on.exit(sink()) } if (!is.null(x$call)) { cat("Call:\n") dput(x$call, control = NULL) } omit <- x$na.action n <- x$frame$n if (length(omit)) cat(" n=", n[1L], " (", naprint(omit), ")\n\n", sep = "") else cat(" n=", n[1L], "\n\n") print(x$cptable, digits = digits) if (!is.null(temp <- x$variable.importance)) { temp <- round(100 * temp/sum(temp)) if (any(temp > 0)) { cat("\nVariable importance\n") print(temp[temp > 0]) } } ff <- x$frame ylevel <- attr(x, "ylevels") id <- as.integer(row.names(ff)) <- ifelse(id == 1L, 1L, id %/% 2L) parent.cp <- ff$complexity[match(, id)] rows <- seq_along(id)[parent.cp > cp] rows <- if (length(rows)) rows[order(id[rows])] else 1L is.leaf <- ff$var == "" index <- cumsum(c(1L, ff$ncompete + ff$nsurrogate + !is.leaf)) if ( !all(is.leaf)) { # skip these lines for a "no splits" tree sname <- rownames(x$splits) cuts <- character(nrow(x$splits)) temp <- x$splits[ , 2L] for (i in seq_along(cuts)) { cuts[i] <- if (temp[i] == -1L) paste("<", format(signif(x$splits[i, 4L], digits))) else if (temp[i] == 1L) paste("<", format(signif(x$splits[i, 4L], digits))) else paste("splits as ", paste(c("L", "-", "R")[x$csplit[x$splits[i, 4L], 1:temp[i]]], collapse = "", sep = ""), collapse = "") } if (any(temp < 2L)) cuts[temp < 2L ] <- format(cuts[temp < 2L], justify = "left") cuts <- paste0(cuts, ifelse(temp >= 2L, ",", ifelse(temp == 1L, " to the right,", " to the left, "))) } tmp <- if (is.null(ff$yval2)) ff$yval[rows] else ff$yval2[rows , , drop = FALSE] tprint <- x$functions$summary(tmp, ff$dev[rows], ff$wt[rows], ylevel, digits) for (ii in seq_along(rows)) { i <- rows[ii] nn <- ff$n[i] cat("\nNode number ", id[i], ": ", nn, " observations", sep = "") if (ff$complexity[i] < cp || is.leaf[i]) cat("\n") else cat(", complexity param=", format(signif(ff$complexity[i], digits)), "\n", sep = "") cat(tprint[ii], "\n") if (ff$complexity[i] > cp && !is.leaf[i] ){ sons <- 2L * id[i] + c(0L, 1L) sons.n <- ff$n[match(sons, id)] cat(" left son=", sons[1L], " (", sons.n[1L], " obs)", " right son=", sons[2L], " (", sons.n[2L], " obs)", sep = "") j <- nn - (sons.n[1L] + sons.n[2L]) if (j > 1L) cat(", ", j, " observations remain\n", sep = "") else if (j == 1L) cat(", 1 observation remains\n") else cat("\n") cat(" Primary splits:\n") j <- seq(index[i], length.out = 1L + ff$ncompete[i]) temp <- if (all(nchar(cuts[j], "w") < 25L)) format(cuts[j], justify = "left") else cuts[j] cat(paste(" ", format(sname[j], justify = "left"), " ", temp, " improve=", format(signif(x$splits[j, 3L], digits)), ", (", nn - x$splits[j, 1L], " missing)", sep = ""), sep = "\n") if (ff$nsurrogate[i] > 0L) { cat(" Surrogate splits:\n") j <- seq(1L + index[i] + ff$ncompete[i], length.out = ff$nsurrogate[i]) agree <- x$splits[j, 3L] temp <- if (all(nchar(cuts[j], "w") < 25L)) format(cuts[j], justify = "left") else cuts[j] adj <- x$splits[j, 5L] cat(paste(" ", format(sname[j], justify = "left"), " ", temp, " agree=", format(round(agree, 3L)), ", adj=" , format(round(adj, 3L)), ", (", x$splits[j, 1L], " split)", sep = ""), sep = "\n") } } } cat("\n") invisible(x) }