## Rewritten 11/2012; the prior version of the code failed with the ## formula y ~ . - zed; zed got included in the result ## Rather than be more sophisticated in how I understand the terms ## structure (because there might be yet another special case we've not ## thought of) use model.matrix on modified data. ## rpart.matrix <- function(frame) { ## First line is just a failsafe: this should always be called with ## a model frame. if (!inherits(frame, "data.frame") || is.null(attr(frame, "terms"))) return(as.matrix(frame)) ## turn other classes into numerics. ## We replace columns in frame rather than making a new object, since ## model.matrix wants a model.frame object as it's argument. for (i in 1:ncol(frame)) { if (is.character(frame[[i]])) frame[[i]] <- as.numeric(factor(frame[[i]])) else if (!is.numeric(frame[[i]])) frame[[i]] <- as.numeric(frame[[i]]) } ## Toss the intercept term when done (column 1) X <- model.matrix(attr(frame, "terms"), frame)[, -1L, drop = FALSE] ## model.matrix labels columns with backticks, and rpart.matrix did not. colnames(X) <- sub("^`(.*)`", "\\1", colnames(X)) class(X) <- c("rpart.matrix", class(X)) # ipred package expects this class X }