\name{star} \alias{star} \docType{data} \title{Student Teacher Achievment Ratio (STAR) project data} \description{ Data from Tennessee's Student Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project which was a large-scale, four-year study of the effect of reduced class size. } \usage{data(star)} \format{ A data frame with 26796 observations on the following 18 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{id}}{a factor - student id number} \item{\code{sch}}{a factor - school id number} \item{\code{gr}}{grade - an ordered factor with levels \code{K} < \code{1} < \code{2} < \code{3}} \item{\code{cltype}}{class type - a factor with levels \code{small}, \code{reg} and \code{reg+A}. The last level indicates a regular class size with a teachers aide.} \item{\code{hdeg}}{highest degree obtained by the teacher - an ordered factor with levels \code{ASSOC} < \code{BS/BA} < \code{MS/MA/MEd} < \code{MA+} < \code{Ed.S} < \code{Ed.D/Ph.D}} \item{\code{clad}}{career ladder position of the teacher - a factor with levels \code{NOT} \code{APPR} \code{PROB} \code{PEND} \code{1} \code{2} \code{3}} \item{\code{exp}}{a numeric vector - the total number of years of experience of the teacher} \item{\code{trace}}{teacher's race - a factor with levels \code{W}, \code{B}, \code{A}, \code{H}, \code{I} and \code{O} representing white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Indian (Native American) and other} \item{\code{read}}{the student's total reading scaled score} \item{\code{math}}{the student's total math scaled score} \item{\code{ses}}{socioeconomic status - a factor with levels \code{F} and \code{N} representing eligible for free lunches or not eligible} \item{\code{schtype}}{school type - a factor with levels \code{inner}, \code{suburb}, \code{rural} and \code{urban}} \item{\code{sx}}{student's sex - a factor with levels \code{M} \code{F}} \item{\code{eth}}{student's ethnicity - a factor with the same levels as \code{trace}} \item{\code{birthq}}{student's birth quarter - an ordered factor with levels \code{1977:1} < \dots < \code{1982:2}} \item{\code{birthy}}{student's birth year - an ordered factor with levels \code{1977:1982}} \item{\code{yrs}}{number of years of schooling for the student - a numeric version of the grade \code{gr} with Kindergarten represented as 0. This variable was generated from \code{gr} and does not allow for a student being retained.} \item{\code{tch}}{a factor - teacher id number} } } \details{ Details of the original data source and the process of conversion to this representation are given in the vignette. } \source{ \url{http://www.heros-inc.org/data.htm} } %\references{} \examples{ str(star) } \keyword{datasets}