\name{s3bby} \title{Responses simulated by Rodriguez and Goldman} \docType{data} \alias{s3bby} \encoding{latin1} \description{ A matrix of the results of 100 simulations of dichotomous multilevel data. The rows correspond to the 2449 births for which the covariates are given in \code{\link{s3bbx}}. The elements of the matrix are all 0, indicating no modern prenatal care, or 1, indicating model prenatal care. These were simulated with "large" variances for both the family and the community random effects. } \usage{data(s3bby)} \format{ An integer matrix with 2449 rows and 100 columns. } \source{ \url{http://data.princeton.edu/multilevel/simul.htm} } \references{ Rodriguez, Germán and Goldman, Noreen (1995) An assessment of estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary responses, \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A} \bold{158}, 73--89. } \examples{ str(s3bby) } \keyword{datasets}