\name{s3bbx} \title{Covariates in the Rodriguez and Goldman simulation} \docType{data} \alias{s3bbx} \encoding{latin1} \usage{data(s3bbx)} \description{ The \code{s3bbx} data frame has 2449 rows and 6 columns of the covariates in the simulation by Rodriguez and Goldman of multilevel dichotomous data. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{child}{a numeric vector identifying the child} \item{family}{a numeric vector identifying the family} \item{community}{a numeric vector identifying the community} \item{chldcov}{a numeric vector of the child-level covariate} \item{famcov}{a numeric vector of the family-level covariate} \item{commcov}{a numeric vector of the community-level covariate} } } \source{ \url{http://data.princeton.edu/multilevel/simul.htm} } \references{ Rodriguez, Germán and Goldman, Noreen (1995) An assessment of estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary responses, \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A} \bold{158}, 73--89. } \examples{ str(s3bbx) } \keyword{datasets}