\name{guPrenat} \encoding{latin1} \alias{guPrenat} \docType{data} \title{Prenatal care in Guatemala} \description{ Data on the prenatal care received by mothers in Guatemala. } \usage{data(guPrenat)} \format{ A data frame with 2449 observations on the following 15 variables. \describe{ \item{kid}{a factor identifying the birth} \item{mom}{a factor identifying the mother or family} \item{cluster}{a factor identifying the community} \item{prenat}{a factor indicating if traditional or modern prenatal care was provided for the birth.} \item{childAge}{an ordered factor of the child's age at the time of the survey. } \item{motherAge}{a factor indicating if the mother was older or younger. The cut-off age is 25 years.} \item{birthOrd}{an ordered factor for the birth's order within the family.} \item{indig}{a factor indicating if the mother is Ladino, or indigenous not speaking Spanish, or indigenous speaking Spanish.} \item{momEd}{a factor describing the mother's level of eduation.} \item{husEd}{a factor describing the husband's level of education.} \item{husEmpl}{a factor describing the husband's employment status.} \item{toilet}{a factor indicating if there is a modern toilet in the house.} \item{TV}{a factor indicating if there is a TV in the house and, if so, the frequency with which it is used.} \item{pcInd81}{the percentage of indigenous population in the community at the 1981 census.} \item{ssDist}{distance from the community to the nearest clinic.} } } %\details{} \source{ These data are available at \url{http://data.princeton.edu/multilevel/guPrenat.dat}. Multiple indicator columns in the original data table have been collapsed to factors for this data frame. } \references{ Rodriguez, Germán and Goldman, Noreen (1995), "Improved estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary response: a case-study", \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A}, \bold{164}, 339-355. } \examples{ data(guPrenat) summary(guPrenat) } \keyword{datasets}