\name{guImmun} \encoding{latin1} \alias{guImmun} \docType{data} \title{Immunization in Guatemala} \description{ Immunizations received by children in Guatemala. } \usage{data(guImmun)} \format{ A data frame with 2159 observations on the following 13 variables. \describe{ \item{kid}{a factor identifying the child} \item{mom}{a factor identifying the family.} \item{comm}{a factor identifying the community.} \item{immun}{a factor indicating if the child received a complete set of immunizations. All children in this data frame received at least one immunization.} \item{kid2p}{a factor indicating if the child was 2 years or older at the time of the survey.} \item{mom25p}{a factor indicating if the mother was 25 years or older.} \item{ord}{an factor indicating the child's birth's order within the family. Levels are \code{01} - first child, \code{23} - second or third child, \code{46} - fourth to sixth child, \code{7p} - seventh or later child.} \item{ethn}{a factor indicating the mother's ethnicity. Levels are \code{L} - Ladino, \code{N} - indigenous not speaking Spanish, and \code{S} - indigenous speaking Spanish.} \item{momEd}{a factor describing the mother's level of eduation. Levels are \code{N} - not finished primary, \code{P} - finished primary, \code{S} - finished secondary} \item{husEd}{a factor describing the husband's level of education. Levels are the same as for \code{momEd} plus \code{U} - unknown.} \item{momWork}{a factor indicating if the mother had ever worked outside the home.} \item{rural}{a factor indicating if the family's location is considered rural or urban.} \item{pcInd81}{the percentage of indigenous population in the community at the 1981 census.} } } %\details{} \source{ These data are available at \url{http://data.princeton.edu/multilevel/guImmun.dat}. Multiple indicator columns in the original data table have been collapsed to factors for this data frame. } \references{ Rodriguez, Germán and Goldman, Noreen (1995), "Improved estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary response: a case-study", \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A}, \bold{164}, 339-355. } \examples{ data(guImmun) summary(guImmun) } \keyword{datasets}