\name{ScotsSec} \alias{ScotsSec} \docType{data} \title{Scottish secondary school scores} \description{ Scores attained by 3435 Scottish secondary school students on a standardized test taken at age 16. Both the primary school and the secondary school that the student attended have been recorded. } \usage{data(ScotsSec)} \format{ A data frame with 3435 observations on the following 6 variables. \describe{ \item{verbal}{The verbal reasoning score on a test taken by the students on entry to secondary school.} \item{attain}{The score attained on the standardized test taken at age 16.} \item{primary}{A factor indicating the primary school that the student attended.} \item{sex}{A factor with levels \code{M} and \code{F}} \item{social}{The student's social class on a numeric scale from low to high social class.} \item{second}{A factor indicating the secondary school that the student attended.} } } \details{ These data are an example of cross-classified grouping factors. } \source{ \url{http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/2lev-xc.html} } \references{ Paterson, L. (1991). Socio economic status and educational attainment: a multidimensional and multilevel study. \emph{Evaluation and Research in Education} \bold{5}: 97-121. } \examples{ str(ScotsSec) } \keyword{datasets}