\name{Mmmec} \alias{Mmmec} \docType{data} \title{Malignant melanoma deaths in Europe} \description{ Malignant Melanoma Mortality in the European Community associated with the impact of UV radiation exposure. } \usage{data(Mmmec)} \format{ A data frame with 354 observations on the following 6 variables. \describe{ \item{nation}{a factor with levels \code{Belgium}, \code{W.Germany}, \code{Denmark}, \code{France}, \code{UK}, \code{Italy}, \code{Ireland}, \code{Luxembourg}, and \code{Netherlands}} \item{region}{Region ID - a factor.} \item{county}{County ID - a factor.} \item{deaths}{Number of male deaths due to MM during 1971--1980} \item{expected}{Number of expected deaths.} \item{uvb}{Centered measure of the UVB dose reaching the earth's surface in each county.} } } %\details{} \source{ \url{http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/mmmec.html} } \references{ Langford, I.H., Bentham, G. and McDonald, A. 1998: Multilevel modelling of geographically aggregated health data: a case study on malignant melanoma mortality and UV exposure in the European community. \emph{Statistics in Medicine} 17: 41-58. } \examples{ str(Mmmec) summary(Mmmec) if(FALSE) ## offset(.) in formula is not yet implemented (fm1 <- lmer(deaths ~ offset(log(expected)) + uvb + (1|region), Mmmec, poisson)) (fm2 <- lmer(deaths ~ uvb + (1|region), offset= log(expected), data=Mmmec, poisson)) } \keyword{datasets}