\name{Hsb82} \alias{Hsb82} \docType{data} \title{High School and Beyond - 1982} \description{ Data from the 1982 study ``High School and Beyond''. } \usage{data(Hsb82)} \format{ A data frame with 7185 observations on students including the following 8 variables. \describe{ \item{school}{an ordered factor designating the school that the student attends.} \item{minrty}{a factor with levels} \item{sx}{a factor with levels \code{Male} and \code{Female}} \item{ses}{a numeric vector of socio-economic scores} \item{mAch}{a numeric vector of Mathematics achievement scores} \item{meanses}{a numeric vector of mean \code{ses} for the school} \item{sector}{a factor with levels \code{Public} and \code{Catholic}} \item{cses}{a numeric vector of centered \code{ses} values where the centering is with respect to the \code{meanses} for the school.} } } \details{ Each row in this data frame contains the data for one student. } %\source{} \references{ Raudenbush, Stephen and Bryk, Anthony (2002), \emph{Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods}, Sage (chapter 4). } \examples{ data(Hsb82) summary(Hsb82) } \keyword{datasets}