\name{Gcsemv} \alias{Gcsemv} \docType{data} \title{GCSE exam score} \description{ The GCSE exam scores on a science subject. Two components of the exam were chosen as outcome variables: written paper and course work. There are 1,905 students from 73 schools in England. } \usage{data(Gcsemv)} \format{ A data frame with 1905 observations on the following 5 variables. \describe{ \item{school}{School ID - a factor} \item{student}{Student ID - a factor} \item{gender}{Gender of student} \item{written}{Total score on written paper} \item{course}{Total score on coursework paper} } } %\details{} \source{ \url{http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/gcsemv.html} } \references{ Multivariate response models. (2000). In Rasbash, J., et al, \emph{A user's guide to MLwiN}, Institute of Education, University of London. } \examples{ str(Gcsemv) } \keyword{datasets}