\name{Early} \alias{Early} \docType{data} \title{Early childhood intervention study} \description{ Cognitive scores of infants in a study of early childhood intervention. The 103 infants from low income African American families were divided into a treatment group (58 infants) and a control group (45 infants). Starting at 0.5 years of age the infants in the treatment group were exposed to an enriched environment. Each infant's cognitive score on an age-specific, normalized scale was recorded at ages 1, 1.5, and 2 years. } \usage{data(Early)} \format{ This \code{groupedData} object contains the following columns \describe{ \item{id}{An ordered factor of the id number for each infant.} \item{cog}{A numeric cognitive score.} \item{age}{The age of the infant at the measurement.} \item{trt}{A factor with two levels, \code{"N"} and \code{"Y"}, indicating if the infant is in the early childhood intervention program.} } } %\source{} \references{ Singer, Judith D. and Willett, John B. (2003), \emph{Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis}, Oxford University Press. (Ch. 3) } \examples{ str(Early) } \keyword{datasets}