\name{Contraception} \alias{Contraception} \docType{data} \title{Contraceptive use in Bangladesh} \description{ These data on the use of contraception by women in urban and rural areas come from the 1988 Bangladesh Fertility Survey. } \usage{data(Contraception)} \format{ A data frame with 1934 observations on the following 6 variables. \describe{ \item{woman}{Identifying code for each woman - a factor} \item{district}{Identifying code for each district - a factor} \item{use}{Contraceptive use at time of survey} \item{livch}{Number of living children at time of survey - an ordered factor. Levels are \code{0}, \code{1}, \code{2}, \code{3+}} \item{age}{Age of woman at time of survey (in years), centred around mean.} \item{urban}{Type of region of residence - a factor. Levels are \code{urban} and \code{rural}} } } %\details{} \source{ \url{http://multilevel.ioe.ac.uk/softrev/bang.html} } \references{ Steele, F., Diamond, I. And Amin, S. (1996). Immunization uptake in rural Bangladesh: a multilevel analysis. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A} (159): 289-299. } \examples{ str(Contraception) summary(Contraception) (fm1 <- lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district), Contraception, binomial)) (fm2 <- lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(1|district), Contraception, binomial, method = "Laplace")) ## change to "AGQ" when available (fm3 <- lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(urban|district), Contraception, binomial)) (fm4 <- lmer(use ~ urban+age+livch+(urban|district), Contraception, binomial, method = "Laplace")) } \keyword{datasets}