\name{RweaveLatex} \alias{RweaveLatex} \alias{RweaveLatexSetup} \title{R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave} \description{ A driver for \code{\link{Sweave}} that translates R code chunks in LaTeX files. } \usage{ RweaveLatex() RweaveLatexSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE, echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, keep.source = FALSE, split = FALSE, pdf = TRUE, eps = FALSE, envir=.GlobalEnv) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Name of Sweave source file.} \item{syntax}{An object of class \code{SweaveSyntax}.} \item{output}{Name of output file, default is to remove extension \file{.nw}, \file{.Rnw} or \file{.Snw} and to add extension \file{.tex}. Any directory names in \code{file} are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.} \item{quiet}{If \code{TRUE} all progress messages are suppressed.} \item{debug}{If \code{TRUE}, input and output of all code chunks is copied to the console.} \item{echo}{set default for option \code{echo}, see details below.} \item{eval}{set default for option \code{eval}, see details below.} \item{keep.source}{set default for option \code{keep.source}, see details below.} \item{split}{set default for option \code{split}, see details below.} \item{pdf}{set default for option \code{pdf}, see details below.} \item{eps}{set default for option \code{eps}, see details below.} \item{envir}{Environment where code chunks are evaluated. Either an environment, or the character string \code{"new"}, in which case a new temprorary environment is used.} } \section{Supported Options}{ RweaveLatex supports the following options for code chunks (the values in parentheses show the default values): \describe{ \item{echo:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). Include S code in the output file?} \item{keep.source:}{logical (\code{FALSE}). When echoing, if \code{keep.source == TRUE} the original source is copied to the file. Otherwise, deparsed source is echoed.} \item{eval:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). If \code{FALSE}, the code chunk is not evaluated, and hence no text or graphical output produced.} \item{results:}{character string (\code{verbatim}). If \code{verbatim}, the output of S commands is included in the verbatim-like Soutput environment. If \code{tex}, the output is taken to be already proper latex markup and included as is. If \code{hide} then all output is completely suppressed (but the code executed during the weave).} \item{print:}{logical (\code{FALSE}) If \code{TRUE}, each expression in the code chunk is wrapped into a \code{print()} statement before evaluation, such that the values of all expressions become visible.} \item{term:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, visibility of values emulates an interactive R session: values of assignments are not printed, values of single objects are printed. If \code{FALSE}, output comes only from explicit \code{\link{print}} or \code{\link{cat}} statements.} \item{split:}{logical (\code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, text output is written to separate files for each code chunk.} \item{strip.white:}{character string (\code{false}). If \code{true}, blank lines at the beginning and end of output are removed. If \code{all}, then all blank lines are removed from the output.} \item{prefix:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE} generated filenames of figures and output have a common prefix.} \item{prefix.string:}{a character string, default is the name of the \file{.Snw} source file.} \item{include:}{logical (\code{TRUE}), indicating whether input statements for text output and includegraphics statements for figures should be auto-generated. Use \code{include = FALSE} if the output should appear in a different place than the code chunk (by placing the input line manually).} \item{fig:}{logical (\code{FALSE}), indicating whether the code chunk produces graphical output. Note that only one figure per code chunk can be processed this way.} \item{eps:}{logical (\code{FALSE}), indicating whether EPS figures shall be generated. Ignored if \code{fig = FALSE}.} \item{pdf:}{logical (\code{TRUE}), indicating whether PDF figures shall be generated. Ignored if \code{fig = FALSE}.} \item{width:}{numeric (6), width of figures in inch.} \item{height:}{numeric (6), height of figures in inch.} \item{expand:}{logical (\code{TRUE}). Expand references to other chunks so that only R code appears in the output file. If \code{FALSE}, the chunk reference (e.g. \code{<>}) will appear. The \code{expand=FALSE} option requires \code{keep.source = TRUE} or it will have no effect.} \item{concordance:}{logical (\code{FALSE}). Write a concordance file to link the input line numbers to the output line numbers. This is an experimental feature; see the source code for the output format, which is subject to change in future releases.} } } \author{Friedrich Leisch} \references{ Friedrich Leisch: Sweave User Manual, 2002\cr \url{http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch/Sweave} } \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}}, \code{\link{Rtangle}}} \keyword{utilities}