\name{Rtangle} \alias{Rtangle} \alias{RtangleSetup} \title{R Driver for Stangle} \description{ A driver for \code{\link{Stangle}} that extracts R code chunks. } \usage{ Rtangle() RtangleSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, annotate = TRUE, split = FALSE, prefix = TRUE, quiet = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{file}{Name of Sweave source file.} \item{syntax}{An object of class \code{SweaveSyntax}.} \item{output}{Name of output file, default is to remove extension \file{.nw}, \file{.Rnw} or \file{.Snw} and to add extension \file{.R}. Any directory names in \code{file} are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.} \item{annotate}{By default, code chunks are separated by comment lines specifying the names and numbers of the code chunks. If \code{FALSE}, only the code chunks without any decorating comments are extracted.} \item{split}{Split output in single files per code chunk?} \item{prefix}{If \code{split = TRUE}, prefix the chunk labels by the basename of the input file to get output file names?} \item{quiet}{If \code{TRUE} all progress messages are suppressed.} } \author{Friedrich Leisch} \seealso{\code{\link{Sweave}}, \code{\link{RweaveLatex}}} \keyword{utilities}