\name{BIB} \alias{BIB} \title{Data from a balanced incomplete block design} \description{ The \code{BIB} data frame has 24 rows and 5 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Block}{ an ordered factor with levels \code{1} < \code{2} < \code{3} < \code{8} < \code{5} < \code{4} < \code{6} < \code{7} } \item{Treatment}{ a treatment factor with levels \code{1} to \code{4}. } \item{y}{ a numeric vector representing the response } \item{x}{ a numeric vector representing the covariate } \item{Grp}{ a factor with levels \code{13} and \code{24} } } } \details{ These appear to be constructed data. } \source{ Littel, R. C., Milliken, G. A., Stroup, W. W., and Wolfinger, R. D. (1996), \emph{SAS System for Mixed Models}, SAS Institute (Data Set 5.4). } \examples{ str(BIB) if (require("lattice", quietly = TRUE, character = TRUE)) { xyplot(y ~ x | Block, BIB, groups = Treatment, type = c("g", "p"), aspect = "xy", auto.key = list(points = TRUE, space = "right", lines = FALSE)) } if (require("lme4", quietly = TRUE, character = TRUE)) { options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.SAS", ordered = "contr.poly")) ## compare with Output 5.7, p. 188 print(fm1BIB <- lmer(y ~ Treatment * x + (1 | Block), BIB)) print(anova(fm1BIB)) # strong evidence of different slopes ## compare with Output 5.9, p. 193 print(fm2BIB <- lmer(y ~ Treatment + x : Grp + (1 | Block), BIB)) print(anova(fm2BIB)) } } \keyword{datasets}