\name{SSRichards} \title{Richards Growth Model} \usage{ SSRichards(input, Asym, xmid, scal, lpow) } \alias{SSRichards} \arguments{ \item{input}{a numeric vector of values at which to evaluate the model.} \item{Asym}{a numeric parameter representing the asymptote.} \item{xmid}{a numeric parameter representing the \code{x} value at the inflection point of the curve. The value of \code{SSlogis} will be \code{Asym/2} at \code{xmid}.} \item{scal}{a numeric scale parameter on the \code{input} axis.} \item{lpow}{the natural logarithm of the inverse of the power to which the denominator is raised.} } \description{ This \code{selfStart} model evaluates the Richards growth model function and its gradient. It has an \code{initial} attribute that creates initial estimates of the parameters \code{Asym}, \code{xmid}, \code{scal} and \code{lpow}. } \value{ a numeric vector of the same length as \code{input}. It is the value of the expression \code{Asym*(1+exp((xmid-input)/scal))^(-exp(-lpow))}. If all of the arguments \code{Asym}, \code{xmid}, \code{scal} and \code{lpow} are names of objects, the gradient matrix with respect to these names is attached as an attribute named \code{gradient}. } %\author{Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates} \seealso{\code{\link{nls}}, \code{\link{selfStart}} } \examples{ summary(fm1 <- nls(Length ~ SSRichards(Time, Asym, xmid, scal, lpow), Leaves)) } \keyword{models}