\name{Rumford} \alias{Rumford} \non_function{} \title{Count Rumford's cooling data} \description{ The \code{Rumford} data frame has 13 rows and 2 columns from an experiment by Count Rumford on the rate of cooling. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{time}{ a numeric vector giving the time since the beginning of the experiment (hr). } \item{temp}{ a numeric vector giving the temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) of the cannon. } } } \source{ Bates and Watts (1998), \emph{Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications}, Wiley (Appendix A1.5). } \examples{ plot(temp ~ time, Rumford, las = 1, xlab = "Time since beginning of experiment (hr)", ylab = "Temperature of cannon (degrees F)", main = "Rumford data and fitted curve") fm1 <- nls(temp ~ 60 + 70 * exp(tc * time), data = Rumford, start = c(tc = -0.01)) summary(fm1) usr <- par("usr") xx <- seq(usr[1], usr[2], len = 50) lines(xx, predict(fm1, list(time = xx))) } \keyword{datasets}