\name{Lubricant} \alias{Lubricant} \non_function{} \title{Viscosity of lubricants} \description{ The \code{Lubricant} data frame has 53 rows and 3 columns on the viscosity of a lubricant at different pressures and temperatures. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{pressure}{ a numeric vector of pressures (stokes). } \item{viscos}{ a numeric vector of observed log(kinematic viscosity). } \item{tempC}{ a numeric vector of temperatures (degrees Celsius). } } } \source{ Bates and Watts (1998), \emph{Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications}, Wiley (Appendix A1.5). } \examples{ str(Lubricant) tempf <- as.factor(Lubricant$tempC) levels(tempf) <- paste(c(0.0,25.0,37.8,98.9),"C") xyplot(viscos ~ pressure, Lubricant, groups = tempf, xlab = "Pressure (atm)", type = c("g", "p"), ylab = "kinematic viscosity (stokes)", scales = list(y = list(log = 2)), auto.key = list(space = "top", columns = 4)) rm(tempf) } \keyword{datasets}