\name{Ovary} \alias{Ovary} \title{Counts of Ovarian Follicles} \description{ The \code{Ovary} data frame has 308 rows and 3 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Mare}{ an ordered factor indicating the mare on which the measurement is made. } \item{Time}{ time in the estrus cycle. The data were recorded daily from 3 days before ovulation until 3 days after the next ovulation. The measurement times for each mare are scaled so that the ovulations for each mare occur at times 0 and 1. } \item{follicles}{ the number of ovarian follicles greater than 10 mm in diameter. } } } \details{ Pierson and Ginther (1987) report on a study of the number of large ovarian follicles detected in different mares at several times in their estrus cycles. } \source{ Pinheiro, J. C. and Bates, D. M. (2000), \emph{Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS}, Springer, New York. (Appendix A.18) Pierson, R. A. and Ginther, O. J. (1987), Follicular population dynamics during the estrus cycle of the mare, \emph{Animal Reproduction Science}, \bold{14}, 219-231. } \examples{ str(Ovary) } \keyword{datasets}