\name{Milk} \alias{Milk} \title{Protein content of cows' milk} \description{ The \code{Milk} data frame has 1337 rows and 4 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{protein}{ a numeric vector giving the protein content of the milk. } \item{Time}{ a numeric vector giving the time since calving (weeks). } \item{Cow}{ an ordered factor giving a unique identifier for each cow. } \item{Diet}{ a factor with levels \code{barley}, \code{barley+lupins}, and \code{lupins} identifying the diet for each cow. } } } \details{ Diggle, Liang, and Zeger (1994) describe data on the protein content of cows' milk in the weeks following calving. The cattle are grouped according to whether they are fed a diet with barley alone, with barley and lupins, or with lupins alone. } \source{ Diggle, Peter J., Liang, Kung-Yee and Zeger, Scott L. (1994), \emph{Analysis of longitudinal data}, Oxford University Press, Oxford. } \examples{ str(Milk) } \keyword{datasets}