\name{MathAchieve} \alias{MathAchieve} \title{Mathematics achievement scores} \description{ The \code{MathAchieve} data frame has 7185 rows and 6 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{School}{ an ordered factor identifying the school that the student attends } \item{Minority}{ a factor with levels \code{No} \code{Yes} indicating if the student is a member of a minority racial group. } \item{Sex}{ a factor with levels \code{Male} \code{Female} } \item{SES}{ a numeric vector of socio-economic status. } \item{MathAch}{ a numeric vector of mathematics achievement scores. } \item{MEANSES}{ a numeric vector of the mean SES for the school. } } } \details{ Each row in this data frame contains the data for one student. } \source{ } \examples{ str(MathAchieve) } \keyword{datasets}