\name{MathAchSchool} \alias{MathAchSchool} \title{School demographic data for MathAchieve} \description{ The \code{MathAchSchool} data frame has 160 rows and 7 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{School}{ a factor giving the school on which the measurement is made. } \item{Size}{ a numeric vector giving the number of students in the school } \item{Sector}{ a factor with levels \code{Public} \code{Catholic} } \item{PRACAD}{ a numeric vector giving the percentage of students on the academic track } \item{DISCLIM}{ a numeric vector measuring the discrimination climate } \item{HIMINTY}{ a factor with levels \code{0} \code{1} } \item{MEANSES}{ a numeric vector giving the mean SES score. } } } \details{ These variables give the school-level demographic data to accompany the \code{MathAchieve} data. } \source{ } \examples{ str(MathAchSchool) } \keyword{datasets}