\name{xmp11.05} \alias{xmp11.05} \docType{data} \title{data from Example 11.5} \description{ The \code{xmp11.05} data frame has 20 rows and 3 columns of data from and experiment on energy consumption of dehumidifiers. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{power}{ the estimated annual power consumption (kwh) of the dehumidifier } \item{humid}{ the level of humidity at which the dehumidifier is tested. Larger numbers correspond to more humid conditions. } \item{brand}{ the brand of dehumidifier. } } } \details{ This is a randomized blocked experiment. } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2003) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (6th ed)}, Duxbury } \examples{ data(xmp11.05) plot(power ~ humid, data = xmp11.05, col = "lightgray", xlab = "Level of humidity", ylab = "Estimated annual power consumption (kwh)", main = "Data from Example 11.5") lines(power ~ as.integer(humid), data = xmp11.05, subset = brand == 1, col = 2, type = "b") lines(power ~ as.integer(humid), data = xmp11.05, subset = brand == 2, col = 3, type = "b") lines(power ~ as.integer(humid), data = xmp11.05, subset = brand == 3, col = 4, type = "b") lines(power ~ as.integer(humid), data = xmp11.05, subset = brand == 4, col = 5, type = "b") lines(power ~ as.integer(humid), data = xmp11.05, subset = brand == 5, col = 6, type = "b") legend(0.6, 1010, paste("Brand", 1:5), col = 1 + (1:5), lty = 1) fm1 <- lm(power ~ humid + brand, data = xmp11.05) anova(fm1) # compare with Table 11.3, page 442 summary(fm1) } \keyword{datasets}