\name{xmp06.03} \alias{xmp06.03} \docType{data} \title{data from Example 6.3} \description{ The \code{xmp06.03} data frame has 8 rows and 1 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Strength}{ elastic modulus (GPa) of AZ91D alloy specimens from a die-casting process } } } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2003) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (6th ed)}, Duxbury (1998), On the development of a new approach for the determination of yield strength in Mg-based alloys, \emph{Light Metal Age}, Oct., 50-53. } \examples{ data(xmp06.03) attach(xmp06.03) stem(Strength) var(Strength) # usual (unbiased) estimate of sigma^2 ## alternative estimate of sigma^2 with n in denominator sum((Strength - mean(Strength))^2)/length(Strength) } \keyword{datasets}