\name{ex04.82} \alias{ex04.82} \docType{data} \title{data from exercise 4.82} \description{ The \code{ex04.82} data frame has 10 rows and 1 columns of bearing lifetimes. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{lifetime}{ a numeric vector } } } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2003) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (6th ed)}, Duxbury (1985), "Modified Moment Estimation for the three-parameter Log-normal distribution", \emph{Journal of Quality Technology}, 92--99. } \examples{ data(ex04.82) attach(ex04.82) boxplot(lifetime, ylab = "Lifetime (hr)", main = "Bearing lifetimes from exercise 4.82", col = "lightgray") ## Normal probability plot on the original time scale qqnorm(lifetime, ylab = "Lifetime (hr)", las = 1) qqline(lifetime) ## Try normal probability plot of the log(lifetime) qqnorm(log(lifetime), ylab = "log(lifetime) (log(hr))", las = 1) qqline(log(lifetime)) detach() } \keyword{datasets}