\name{xmp11.16} \alias{xmp11.16} \title{data from Example 11.16} \description{ The \code{xmp11.16} data frame has 16 rows and 6 columns of data from a blocked, \eqn{2^3} replicated factorial design. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{strength}{ strength of the product solution (arbitrary units). } \item{tempture}{ reactor temperature - coded as \eqn{\pm 1}{+/-1}. } \item{gas}{ gas throughput - coded as \eqn{\pm 1}{+/-1}. } \item{conc}{ concentration of active constituent - coded as \eqn{\pm 1}{+/-1}. } \item{block}{ block in which the experiment was run. } } } \source{ (1951), Factorial experiments in pilot plant studies, \emph{Industrial and Engineering Chemistry}, 1300--1306. Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury } \examples{ data(xmp11.16) ## leave -1/+1 encoding for experimental factors, convert block fm1 <- aov(strength ~ tempture * gas * conc + block, data = xmp11.16) summary(fm1) # anova table } \keyword{datasets}