\name{xmp11.07} \alias{xmp11.07} \title{data from Example 11.7} \description{ The \code{xmp11.07} data frame has 36 rows and 3 columns from an experiment on the growth of different varieties of tomato plants at different planting densities. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Yield}{ a numeric vector giving the yields for each plot } \item{Variety}{ a numeric vector coding the variety. } \item{Density}{ a numeric vector giving the planting density (thousands of plants per hectare). } } } \details{ } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury (1976), ``Effects of plant density on tomato yields in western Nigeria'', \emph{Experimental Agriculture}, 43-47. } \examples{ data(xmp11.07) plot(Yield ~ Density, data = xmp11.07, col = "lightgray", main = "Data from Example 11.7, page 450", xlab = "Density (plants/hectare)") means <- sapply(split(xmp11.07, xmp11.07$Density), function(x) tapply(x$Yield, x$Variety, mean)) round(means, 2) lines(1:4, means[1, ], col = 4, type = "b") lines(1:4, means[2, ], col = 2, type = "b") lines(1:4, means[3, ], col = 3, type = "b") legend(0.4, 21.2, levels(xmp11.07$Variety), lty = 2, col = c(4, 2, 3)) fm1 <- lm(Yield ~ Variety * Density, data = xmp11.07) anova(fm1) # compare with Table 11.7, page 452 fm2 <- update(fm1, . ~ Variety + Density) # additive model anova(fm2) sort(tapply(xmp11.07$Yield, xmp11.07$Variety, mean)) } \keyword{datasets}