\name{xmp11.06} \alias{xmp11.06} \title{data from Example 11.6} \description{ The \code{xmp11.06} data frame has 24 rows and 3 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Resp}{ a numeric vector of the mean number of responses emitted by each subject during single and compound stimuli presentations over a 4-day period. } \item{Stimulus}{ a numeric vector of stimulus levels. These levels correspond to L1 (moderate intensity light), L2 (low intensity light), T (tone), L1+L2, L1+T, and L2+T. } \item{Subject}{ a numeric vector identifying the subject (rat). } } } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury (1971), ``Compounding of discriminative stimuli from the same and different sensory modalities'', \emph{J. Experimental Analysis and Behavior}, 337-342 } \examples{ data(xmp11.06) plot(Resp ~ Stimulus, data = xmp11.06, col = "lightgray", main = "Data from Example 11.6", ylab = "Mean number of responses") for (i in seq(along = levels(xmp11.06$Subject))) { attach(xmp11.06[ xmp11.06$Subject == i, ]) lines(Resp ~ as.integer(Stimulus), col = i+1, type = "b") } legend(0.8, 95, paste("Subject", levels(xmp11.06$Subject)), col = 1 + seq(along = levels(xmp11.06$Subject)), lty = 1) fm1 <- lm(Resp ~ Stimulus + Subject, data = xmp11.06) anova(fm1) # compare to Table 11.5, page 443 attach(xmp11.06) means <- sort(tapply(Resp, Stimulus, mean)) means diff(means) # successive differences qtukey(0.95, nmeans = 6, df = 15) #for Tukey comparisons detach() } \keyword{datasets}