\name{xmp10.03} \alias{xmp10.03} \title{data from Example 10.3} \description{ The \code{xmp10.03} data frame has 15 rows and 2 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Soiling}{ a numeric vector } \item{Mixture}{ a numeric vector } } } \details{ Data from an experiment comparing the degree of soiling for fabric copolymerized with three different mixtures of methacrylic acid. } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury (1983), ``Chemical factors affecting soiling and soil release from cotton DP fabric'', \emph{American Dyestuff Reporter}, 25-30. } \examples{ data(xmp10.03) xmp10.03$Mixture <- factor(xmp10.03$Mixture) plot(Soiling ~ Mixture, data = xmp10.03, col = "lightgray", main = "Data from Example 10.3") summary(xmp10.03) # check ranges and balance fm1 <- lm(Soiling ~ Mixture, data = xmp10.03) anova(fm1) # compare to table shown on p. 412 } \keyword{datasets}