\name{xmp07.06} \alias{xmp07.06} \title{data from Example 7.6} \description{ The \code{xmp07.06} data frame has 48 rows and 1 columns. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Voltage}{ the AC breakdown voltage (kV) of a circuit } } } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury (1995), Testing practices for the AC breakdown voltage testing of insulation liquids, \emph{IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine}, 21-26. } \examples{ data(xmp07.06) boxplot(xmp07.06, main = "AC Breakdown Voltage (kV)") # t.test gives a 95\% confidence interval on the mean t.test(xmp07.06) } \keyword{datasets}