\name{xmp06.12} \alias{xmp06.12} \title{data from Example 6.12} \description{ The \code{xmp06.12} data frame has 20 rows and 1 columns of data on the survival times of mice subjected to radiation. } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{Survival}{ a numeric vector of survival times (weeks) of mice subjected to 240 rads of gamma radiation. } } } \details{ } \source{ Devore, J. L. (2000) \emph{Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (5th ed)}, Duxbury. Gross, A. J. and Clark, V. (1976) \emph{Survival Distributions: Reliability Applications in the Biomedical Sciences}, Wiley. } \examples{ data(xmp06.12) attach(xmp06.12) gamma.MoM <- function(x) { ## calculate method of moments estimates for gamma distribution xbar <- mean(x) mnSqDev <- mean((x - xbar)^2) c(alpha = xbar^2/mnSqDev, beta = mnSqDev/xbar) } ## method of moments estimates print(surv.MoM <- gamma.MoM(Survival)) ## evaluating the negative log-likelihood gammaLlik <- function(x) { ## argument x is a vector of shape (alpha) and scale (beta) -sum(dgamma(Survival, shape = x[1], scale = x[2], log = TRUE)) } ## maximum likelihood estimates - use MoM estimates as starting value MLE <- optim(par = surv.MoM, gammaLlik) print(MLE) detach() } \keyword{datasets}