\name{wrld_1deg} \alias{wrld_1deg} \docType{data} \title{World 1-degree grid contiguity matrix} \description{ This matrix represents the distance-based contiguities of 15260 one-degree grid cells of land areas. The representation is as a row standardised spatial weights matrix transformed to a symmetric matrix (see Ord (1975), p. 125). } \usage{data(wrld_1deg)} \format{ A \eqn{15260 ^2} symmetric sparse matrix of class \code{\linkS4class{dsCMatrix}} with 55973 non-zero entries. } \details{ The data were created into \R using the coordinates of a \sQuote{SpatialPixels} object containing approximately one-degree grid cells for land areas only (world excluding Antarctica), using \code{\link[spdep]{dnearneigh}} with a cutoff distance of \code{sqrt(2)}, and row-standardised and transformed to symmetry using \code{\link[spdep]{nb2listw}} and \code{\link[spdep]{similar.listw}}. This spatial weights object was converted to a \code{\linkS4class{dsTMatrix}} using \code{\link[spdep]{as_dsTMatrix_listw}} and then coerced (column-compressed). } \source{ The shoreline data was read into \R using \code{\link[maptools]{Rgssh}} from the GSHHS coarse shoreline database distributed with the \pkg{maptools} package, omitting Antarctica. A matching approximately one-degree grid was generated using \code{\link[maptools]{Sobj_SpatialGrid}}, and the grids on land were found using the appropriate \code{\link[sp]{overlay}} method for the \sQuote{SpatialPolygons} and \sQuote{SpatialGrid} objects, yielding a \sQuote{SpatialPixels} one containing only the grid cells with centres on land. } \references{ Ord, J. K. (1975) Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction; \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association} \bold{70}, 120--126. } \examples{ data(wrld_1deg) (n <- ncol(wrld_1deg)) IM <- .symDiagonal(n) nn <- 20 set.seed(1) rho <- runif(nn, 0, 1) system.time(MJ <- sapply(rho, function(x) determinant(IM - x * wrld_1deg, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus)) nWC <- -wrld_1deg C1 <- Cholesky(nWC, Imult = 2) system.time(MJ1 <- n * log(rho) + sapply(rho, function(x) c(determinant(update(C1, nWC, 1/x))$modulus)) ) all.equal(MJ, MJ1) C2 <- Cholesky(nWC, super = TRUE, Imult = 2) system.time(MJ2 <- n * log(rho) + sapply(rho, function(x) c(determinant(update(C2, nWC, 1/x))$modulus)) ) all.equal(MJ, MJ2) system.time(MJ3 <- n * log(rho) + Matrix:::ldetL2up(C1, nWC, 1/rho)) all.equal(MJ, MJ3) system.time(MJ4 <- n * log(rho) + Matrix:::ldetL2up(C2, nWC, 1/rho)) all.equal(MJ, MJ4) } \keyword{datasets}