\name{unpack} \title{Full Storage Representation of Packed Matrices} \usage{ unpack(x, \dots) } \alias{unpack} \description{ Expands decompositions stored in compact form into matrix factors. } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix stored in packed form, e.g., of class \code{"d?pMatrix"} where "?" is "t" for triangular or "s" for symmetric. } \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.} } \value{ A \code{Matrix} object containing the full-storage representation of \code{x}. } \details{ This is a generic function with special methods for different types of packed matrices. Use \code{\link{showMethods}("unpack")} to list the methods for \code{unpack()}. } \examples{ showMethods("unpack") (cp4 <- chol(Hilbert(4))) # is triangular tp4 <- as(cp4,"dtpMatrix")# [t]riangular [p]acked str(tp4) (unpack(tp4)) \dontrun{ ## once we have Diagonal() : unpack(Diagonal( 1:3)) } } \keyword{array} \keyword{algebra}