\name{symmpart} \title{Symmetric Part and Skew(symmetric) Part of a Matrix} %% Hmm, want the generic and methods all in this file ... %% \docType{methods} \alias{symmpart} \alias{skewpart} % \alias{symmpart-methods} \alias{skewpart-methods} \alias{symmpart,Matrix-method} \alias{skewpart,Matrix-method} \alias{symmpart,diagonalMatrix-method} \alias{skewpart,diagonalMatrix-method} \alias{symmpart,ddenseMatrix-method} \alias{skewpart,ddenseMatrix-method} \alias{symmpart,denseMatrix-method} \alias{skewpart,denseMatrix-method} \alias{symmpart,symmetricMatrix-method} \alias{skewpart,symmetricMatrix-method} \alias{symmpart,matrix-method} \alias{skewpart,matrix-method} % \description{ symmpart(x) computes the symmetric part \code{(x + t(x))/2} and the skew symmetric part \code{(x - t(x))/2} of a square matrix \code{x}. Note that \code{x == symmpart(x) + skewpart(x)} for all square matrices. } \usage{ symmpart(x) skewpart(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \emph{square} matrix; either \dQuote{traditional} of class \code{"matrix"}, or typically, inheriting from the \code{\linkS4class{Matrix}} class.} } % \section{Methods}{ % \describe{ % \item{x = "Matrix"}{ ~~describe this method here } % }} % \details{ % ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ % } \value{ \code{symmpart()} returns a symmetric matrix, inheriting from \code{\linkS4class{symmetricMatrix}} iff \code{x} inherited from \code{Matrix}. \code{skewpart()} returns a skew-symmetric matrix, typically of the same class as \code{x} (or the closest \dQuote{general} one, see \code{\linkS4class{generalMatrix}}). } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ m <- Matrix(1:4, 2,2) symmpart(m) skewpart(m) stopifnot(all(m == symmpart(m) + skewpart(m))) } \keyword{array} \keyword{arith}