\name{symmetricMatrix-class} \docType{class} \alias{symmetricMatrix-class} \alias{coerce,matrix,symmetricMatrix-method} \alias{coerce,denseMatrix,symmetricMatrix-method} \alias{coerce,CsparseMatrix,symmetricMatrix-method} % \title{Virtual Class of Symmetric Matrices in package:Matrix} \description{ The virtual class of symmetric matrices, \code{"symmetricMatrix"}, from the package \pkg{Matrix} contains numeric and logical, dense and sparse matrices, e.g., see the examples. The main use is in methods (and C functions) that can deal with all symmetric matrices. } % \section{Objects from the Class}{A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{uplo}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}. Must be either "U", for upper triangular, and "L", for lower triangular.} %% below {Dim, Dimnames} work around Slot parsing buglet (< 2.2.0) %% \item{\code{Dim},\code{Dimnames}:}{The dimension (a length-2 \item{\code{Dim, Dimnames}:}{The dimension (a length-2 \code{"integer"}) and corresponding names (or \code{NULL}), inherited from the \code{\linkS4class{Matrix}}, see there.} \item{\code{factors}:}{a list of matrix factorizations, also from the \code{Matrix} class.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"Matrix"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ There's a C function \code{symmetricMatrix_validity()} called by the internal validity checking functions. %% Currently: %% No methods defined with class "symmetricMatrix" in the signature. } \seealso{ Classes \code{\linkS4class{triangularMatrix}}, and, e.g., \code{\linkS4class{dsyMatrix}} for numeric \emph{dense} matrices, or \code{\linkS4class{lsCMatrix}} for a logical \emph{sparse} matrix class. } \examples{ showClass("symmetricMatrix") ## The names of direct subclasses: scl <- getClass("symmetricMatrix")@subclasses directly <- sapply(lapply(scl, slot, "by"), length) == 0 names(scl)[directly] } \keyword{classes}