\name{qr-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{qr} \alias{qr-methods} \alias{qr,dgCMatrix-method} \alias{qr,sparseMatrix-method} \title{QR Decomposition -- S4 Methods and Generic} \description{ The \code{"Matrix"} package provides methods for the QR decomposition of special classes of matrices. There is a generic function which uses \code{\link[base]{qr}} as default, but methods defined in this package can take extra arguments. In particular there is an option for determining a fill-reducing permutation of the columns of a sparse, rectangular matrix. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "dgCMatrix"}{QR decomposition of a general sparse double-precision matrix with \code{nrow(x) >= ncol(x)}. Returns an object of class \code{"sparseQR"}, see \code{\linkS4class{sparseQR}}.} \item{x = "sparseMatrix"}{works via \code{"dgCMatrix"}.} } } \seealso{\code{\link[base]{qr}}, \code{\linkS4class{sparseQR}}, \code{\linkS4class{dgCMatrix}}} \keyword{methods} \keyword{algebra} \keyword{array}