\name{index-class} \docType{class} \alias{index-class} %% The "[" and "[<-" methods are %% in ./Xtrct-methods.Rd and ./Subassign-methods.Rd \title{Virtual Class "index" - Simple Class for Matrix Indices} \description{The class \code{"index"} is a virtual class used for indices (in signatures) for matrix indexing and sub-assignment of \pkg{"Matrix"} matrices. In fact, it is currently implemented as a simple class union (\code{\link{setClassUnion}}) of \code{"numeric"}, \code{"logical"} and \code{"character"}. } \section{Objects from the Class}{Since it is a virtual Class, no objects may be created from it.} \seealso{ \code{\link{[-methods}}, and %% FIXME: bug in Rdconv needs '[Matrix]' below: \code{\link[Matrix]{Subassign-methods}}, also for examples. } \examples{ showClass("index") } \keyword{classes}